Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Bezotte: House passes gas tax relief while inflation causes gas prices to skyrocket
RELEASE|March 9, 2022
Contact: Bob Bezotte

Rep. Bob Bezotte today supported a House plan to suspend the state’s tax on gasoline and diesel fuels to provide Michigan drivers with immediate financial relief.

“People in my community are now spending well over $4 per gallon of gas,” said Bezotte, of Marion Township. “That cost continues to increase. Meanwhile, Governor Whitmer is still pursuing her attempt to shut down Line 5, which would significantly spike energy prices even higher.”

Michigan families and businesses would spend a total of nearly $2 billion per year more on gasoline and diesel if Line 5 is shut down, according to a study by the Consumers Energy Alliance.

The state House recently approved a tax relief plan for Michiganders throughout the state to help alleviate some of the heartburn caused by inflation. The plan would lower the income tax rate to 3.9 percent, give seniors additional tax relief, and pay down municipal pension debt.

“Instead of providing much needed relief to Michiganders, Governor Whitmer may veto this plan,” Bezotte said. “Gas prices, and energy costs are skyrocketing in Michigan. The governor needs to work with the Legislature, not against it, for the sake of our families and seniors.”

Meanwhile on Tuesday, the governor urged Congress to pass legislation to suspend the federal gas tax.

“This is something she could have done at the state level, right here in Michigan,” Bezotte said. “Helping people make ends meet right now is the priority, so my colleagues and I are going to try providing Michiganders relief once again.”

The House today introduced and passed a gas tax moratorium in the state of Michigan, along with a resolution in support of Line 5. The suspension will last for six months, beginning April 1 and ending September 30. The gas tax pause would remove Michigan’s 27 cents per gallon fuel tax. The savings from pausing the state fuel tax are 39 percent larger than savings from pausing the federal fuel tax.

“I am proud to support this initiative, and provide Michiganders some much-needed relief,” Bezotte said.

The plan will now head to the Senate for further consideration.


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