Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Cavitt: Line 5 tunnel approval right decision for Michigan
RELEASE|December 1, 2023
Contact: Cam Cavitt

Rep. Cam Cavitt is applauding the Michigan Public Service Commission’s decision today to authorize Enbridge Energy to update its Line 5 pipeline. The decision puts Enbridge one step closer to replacing the segment of Line 5 crossing the Straits of Mackinac with an updated pipeline encased in a concrete lined tunnel.

“MPSC made the right call today, but it doesn’t excuse the overzealous effort to delay and kill the Enbridge proposal,” said Cavitt, R-Cheboygan. “The operation of Line 5 is essential. The pipeline supplies more than half the propane used in Michigan. Enbridge is one the largest taxpayers in Cheboygan County. Without Line 5 tax revenue, entire school districts would be forced to close.”

Enbridge is still awaiting a permitting decision from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding the construction of its proposed tunnel. The Corps is still in the data collection and review part of its process.

Line 5 has been in operation since 1953. The pipeline supplies regional refineries producing gas, diesel, and jet fuels. Enbridge’s proposed $500 million-dollar investment would improve operational safety by eliminating the possibility of an anchor strike. The tunnel also would provide access for ongoing inspections and maintenance work.

“Anytime Line 5 gets mentioned, we’re bombarded by environmental activists clamoring about potential oil spills,” Cavitt said. “Enbridge is ready to address safety concerns by updating aging infrastructure. Instead of moving quickly, bureaucrats have held Enbridge back at every opportunity. This is another example of Lansing Democrats catering to environmental extremists who won’t be satisfied until Line 5 is shutdown and our community loses our home heating.”


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