Michigan House Republicans
State Rep. St. Germaine opens office to serve residents of the 62nd District
RELEASE|January 6, 2023

State Rep. Alicia St. Germaine, R-Harrison Township, today announced her Lansing office is now open to help serve the people of the 62nd House District.

“It’s a tremendous honor to represent local residents at the state Capitol, and I plan to be a fierce advocate on their behalf,” St. Germaine said. “Listening to the people’s concerns will help me best represent their needs, so I encourage people to contact me at any time to get their voices heard.”

St. Germaine represents the 62nd District, which consists of the cities of Fraser and St. Clair Shores, portions of Chesterfield and Clinton townships, a portion of the City of Roseville, and all of Harrison Township.

People can contact St. Germaine’s office by calling (517) 373-0555 or emailing AliciaStGermaine@house.mi.gov. Correspondence can also be mailed to N-996 House Office Building, P.O. Box 30014, Lansing, MI 48909.

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